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Frequently Asked Questions

Here you find some practical questions about the one-on-one sessions

Before your first session we will have an intro talk about possible contra-indications to the work, such as a history of cardio-vascular problems (hypertension), aneurysm, glaucoma, asthma, epilepsy or major psychic conditions (borderline, bipolar personality disorder, schizophrenia, etc.). If you want to sign up for a BBTR workshop and have any of the above conditions or if you take psychotropic drugs please contact me in advance before you register. If you are pregnant or have recently undergone major medical interventions or injuries it is vital to notify me in advance.

Apart from possible medical contra-indications, anybody can take BBTR, fascial release or body de-armouring sessions. No special experience is needed. A strong willingness to progress on your own personal development path and to take self-responsibility in that process is very helpful though. The bodywork & breathwork practitioner can only show the way, that the clients have to walk for themselves.

Please do not eat right before a session (at least one hour before) and reserve enough time for yourself after the session.

Using deep connected breathing in a session may bring up old emotions and traumas. We will use touch, sound and movement to distribute the energetic charge throughout the body and support the energy to flow. Conscious emotional expression facilitates the release of stress and tension from the body. By regulating the breath we train the nervous system to adapt to increasing states of energetic and emotional arousal. This raises the client’s capacity to tolerate vitality and relax into their own powerful impulses. At the end of the session there will be plenty of time to integrate the experience and come into silence.

In BBTR due to the regulation and pendulation of the breath, hyperventilation is quite rare. If you hyperventilate nevertheless you will be supported to calm down by breathing gently through the nose, connecting to your ressource (place of safety) and by being grounded in your body.

When you breathe extensively strong for quite some time this can overcharge specific regions of your nervous system and you may develop cramps in the hands and around your mouth (called “tetany”). This phenomenon is very common and not dangerous at all. As with hyperventilation you will be supported to discharge, slow your breath and reconnect to your place of ressource to return to your normal state.

BBTR sessions are done fully dressed. For body de-armouring and myofascial release (M.E.R.) sessions it is practical to partly undress (e.g. back or belly) in order to directly access the skin and the underlying tissue that is being worked on.

Any degree of nudity needs to feel comfortable for the client and be in line with their own individual boundaries. If the setting does not feel safe, the actual work will not start. Then the session will focus on creating safety and addressing the issue instead.

Bring comfortable clothes that do not restrict your breath or movement (e.g. yoga clothes, sport / jogging pants or other loose pants). Ideally do not wear any belts or bras that interfere with your range of breathing. Remember to remove jewelry or hair ribbons right before a session as we may be as well working on the head. Anything else (towels, etc.) will be provided.

I will always check in with you after a session if you are ready yet to enter the outside world and take part in public transport before you leave. Nevertheless in some cases a client may continue to encounter new experiences even some time after a session (such as new emotions or insights that may surface in the following hours). In this case I invite you to feel into yourself whether you need additional support. Please do not hesitate to ask for it (i.e. call me), if it is needed.

You can always come for a singular session so we can get to know each other and can both decide, if it is a fit and feels right to potentially continue. Any session will have a positive impact on your health and conscious development process.

However the benefits will considerably increase when you take a series of at least 8 to 10 sessions. As we work on the different belts of tension in the body, it takes some time to work your way through those specific belts (0: general session, 1: occular belt / eyes, 2: oral belt / mouth, 3: cervical belt / throat, 4: thoracic belt / chest, 5: diaphragmatic belt / solar plexus, 6: abdominal belt / belly, 7: pelvic belt / legs & pelvis). As trust, attunement and experience between practitioner and client build up, the work progressively deepens.

Do you have more questions? Get in contact